What is United Nations Conference On The Human Environment

United Nations Conference on the human environment 5 – 16 June 1972, Stockholm Sweden. United Nations Conference On The Human Environment only focused on international environmental issues. UNCHE stands for United Nations Conference On The Human Environment. This was the first global convergence on the planetary environment. The theme of United Nations Conference On The Human Environment only one earth. 122 state participated in the United Nations Conference On The Human Environment.

Why need it

Having considered the need for a common outlook and for common principles to inspire and guide the peoples of the preservation and enhancement of the human environment in the world.

Man has the fundamental rights to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life of dignity and well-being and he bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generation.

Must be safe the natural resources of the earth must include the air, water, land, flora and fauna and especially natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations. To improve non-renewable resources of the earth and discharge of toxic substances.


In 1967, a research study provided a global temperature rise of nearly 2 degrees Celsius due to carbon dioxide. UN General Assembly in 1968 first time discussed on climate change. First proposed by Sweden idea of the Stockholm conference.

Finally, on 5 – 16 June 1972 United Nations General Assembly decided Stockholm conference. The host of this conference by government of Sweden.

After 50 years, in 2022 a report was published by a team of scientists, analysing the changes made by the United Nations Conference On The Human Environment in 1972 and giving recommendation for the future that called “Stockholm+50” for better future generations.


  • Some rich countries expressed their concerns about dominance and said that the policies are in the interests of rich industrialised countries.
  • Since the very beginning, global policies impacted the conference adversely.
  • Without the use of science and technology poverty cannot be eliminated.

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