United Nations Environment Programme was established on 5 Jun 1972 by Maurice Strong. He was the first director of the United Nations Environment Programme, after the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm Sweden in June 1972. The United Nations Environment Programme is responsible for coording responses to environment issue including climate change, management of marine, terrestrial ecosystem and green economic development within united nation system. The vision of United Nations Environment Programme to promote environmental science and national government regarding environment. Headquarters of United Nations Environment Programme in Kenya in East Africa.

History of United Nations Environment Programme

In the 1970s, The need for environmental governance at a global level. First time Maurice Strong give the concept on United Nations Environment Programme. In 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm Sweden to discusses various topic such as pollution, marine life, protection of resource, environment change and disaster relating to national and bilogical change. And in the conference declear the eastablishment of an environment management body after some time its replaced United Nations Environment Programme.

The Governance of United Nations Environment Programme in Executive Director.

Mission of United Nations Environment Programme

  • Promote the implementation of sustainable development within the United nation system.
  • Set the Global environmental agenda.
  • Find solutions to the triple planetary crisis.
  • provide guidance to united nation organizations.
  • Promote internation cooperation on environmental issue.
  • Encourage the international scientific community to participate in for mulating policy for many of the united nation environment projects.
  • Help member states foster climate stability live in harmony with nature and target a pollution free future.

Funding of United Nations Environment Programme

According to the United Nations Environment Programme report in 2022. the budget of the United Nations Environment Programme in 2022 is US$421.9 million.

The Income of the United Nations Environment Programme from the UN regular budget, Environment fund, Earmarked fund and Global fund total was US$741.4 million.

The expenditure of the United Nations Environment Programme is US$630.6 million for development various area.

For more visit United Nations Environment Programme website

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