National Flag design by Pingali Venkayya. 22 July 1947 constituent assembly approved the national flag.

The ratio of 3 : 2 Length and breadth, In the centre of the white stripe is a circular wheel(Chakra) of nevy blue colour. It has 24 spokes in it. It is taken from the Ashoka pillar, which is located at Sarnath, Varanasi.

Indian flag divided horizontal into three equal parts,

  1. Saffron colour – It is an upper or first strip of the flag and it represents the Strength and courage of the country.
  2. White colour – It is the middle or second strip of the flag and it represents the truth and peace of the country.
  3. Green colour – It is the lowest or third strip of the flag and it represents the life and prosperity of the country.

Being made of three colours, the national flag is known as the tri-colour flag, or Simply, the tri-colour.

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